I used the digital stamp again that I wrote about in my 12/28 blog entry. On that one, I used the stamp to make ATC's. On this entry, I'm enlarging the stamp and using it for an art journal page
For this page, I started with a watercolor backround. I wet the paper and then floated in blues, purples and just a little red and yellow. When the paper was still wet (but not saturated), I used an eye dropper and dropped in 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. This alcohol repels the paints it hits and caused small ringlets. I think this adds some interesting texture. I also did some blotting with a paper towel prior to applying the alcohol.
While the backround was drying, I had printed out the houses to the dimensions I wanted. I use good quality paper in the printer (mat, not glossy) and make sure the ink is totally dry. I then colored it in with markers and cut out the houses. If you have trouble with your ink smearing when using digital stamps, try rubbing the image first with a kneadable eraser. I think that does help especially with certain papers. I would run some small test samples from your own printer to see how yours reacts. If you have a big problem with smearing, colored pencils might work better or, print the image on a laser printer at one of those copy stores.
With the paper dry, the houses are glued in place (I used gel mat). I used a watercolor pencil all around the edges of the roof, under the eaves, in between the houses and on the foreground to add a shadow effect. I used a dark brown and once I drew it in, I used a brush to activate it and pull some of it out.
For the final effects, I added butterfly stamps and a sun stamp all colored in with markers. The saying "Spread your wings and Fly" is just hand written in a light pencil then I go over it with a black marker and finally, outline it with a white gel pen.
I also inked the edges of the paper with both a blend of blue and purple
Fun stuff!! I hope you enjoy my page and try one of your own.
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