Saturday, November 22, 2014

Santa Doll Complete (Well maybe)

I have the Santa doll done but I keep thinking something else is needed so, if I can figure out what that is, I will add it.  One the clothes, I used the basic elf pattern however, I increased the length of the top by 1 inch and the length of the pants by 4 inches.  I used decorative feather trim around the hat, the sleeves and the bottom of the pants.  I added glasses, a jingle bell on the hat and various layers of decorative trims down the front.  For the boot, I used a boot shape side and a bottom sole.

Santa hat (wrong sides together)

Santa shirt before sleeves added

Now, I'm already onto the next project.  I'm making some decorative quilted gift tags.  These will be in the shape of a tree.  To start with, I picked out 3 different kinds of green flannel.  I cut them into 1 inch strips (about 10 inches long).  I'm sewing together the strips using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.  I ironed the piece after all the strips were sewn together.  The next step will be to make a simple tree template.  My vision is to decorate the fabric up like a crazy quilt then sew together a front and back with a hanger.  More to come on that!

3 different green flannels

1 inch strips

Picture with about 2/3 of the strips sewn on

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